Wednesday 5 May 2010


I can proudly say i have never cheated on a partner as ive been bought up to beleive that thier is a moral rule between couples to value only one and other in an intimate relationship.

thier are many types of infidelity, the main being physical intemacy with someone that is not your patner, wether bound by wedlock or not. its not stricly a rule of law, more of a rule for the sanctity of the relationship, although if a partner has evidence of you cheataing and your married that could carry a heafty price of upto 50% of all you own. i know, its a bit insane.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

As a child in primary school I was bullied quite badly to a point where I would come home from school every day with fresh bruises. But when I realised that being punched and kicked didn’t hurt as much as I feared, then i became a bit of a bully myself. I never went to the extent of flushing smaller kids heads down the toilet but it was more of an 'I can look after myself' sort of vibe. After this I began fights with people that had a problem with friends, and when I turned 16 I realized I had turned into what I feared most in primary school. It’s easy to be a bully, that’s why most people do it, but when you’re on the receiving end its terrifying.

I in 7 children am either a bully or being bullied and on average 160,000 kids skip school every day for the fear of being punched at the school gate. But it doesn’t stop there, teens that go to school together normally live relatively close to one and other, so when the bullying stops at school it continues for some as their hanging around with their friends and see their bully.

Bullying doesn’t just include kicking and punching, it’s also about verbal abuse and the way if makes the victims feel; there are severe cases of depression amongst teenagers as a result of verbal bullying and name calling. There are even councillors in school now that you can go and talk to in confidence, and repeated bullying can lead to expulsion from the school.

Monday 3 May 2010


Alcohol is a very powerful drug and to be quite honest I’m surprised it hasn’t been illegalized as it changes your perception, lowers your inhibitions, and brings on violent mood swings more than what the majority of current illegalized drugs do, such as cannabis and speed.

Drinking causes heart disease and liver failure when used excessively but it is also used to relax, hence the traditional house wife with a bottle of wine. I’m not completely against alcohol as there are many drinks out there that are very nice to drink, such as the alcohols and apple sours, it’s an experience of taste, but the public’s favourite amongst alcoholic beverages is lager which, to be fair, isn’t exactly the nicest tasting drink ever, is it?

It’s amazing how much beer affects the brain and a drunken person to a sober person seems incredibly stupid and incapable of looking after themselves, and when the body can’t take anymore of the poison causing through its veins then the vomiting begins, very unpleasant I’m sure you’d agree.

To justify the use of alcohol is a touchy subject but I think use in moderation is perfectly acceptable.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Tattoos & Body Modification

As a person who is heavily tattooed I have a lot to say on this topic. I think tattoos and piercing are incredibly artistic and almost define you as an individual. They should be worn with pride as they take hours of painful stabbing to complete.

Over the last ten years tattoos have become more socially acceptable as more and more people are getting inked and pierced year to year. Although there are people that take it the extreme such as scarification, implants and dismemberment. There are those who do this for a living and its relatively well paid but it takes years to gain the skills required to enter this field of work.

There are piercing that people wouldn’t agree with, such as genital piercing and suspension, and there's also offensive tattoos out there for all to see, like last week i saw a tattoo on a skinheads neck that read 'burn niggers burn’. There are also gang tattoos belonging to some of the world’s most dangerous criminals, such and the yakuza (Japanese mob who tattoo a ring around their forearm for every person they kill) this is the side of body modification that I strongly disagree with.

Along with the pain and risk of infection, no matter how clean the studio is, tattoos and piercing and still seen as wrong to the older generation, especially those of religion but nower days there are religious individuals with praying hand tattoos and crucifix piercing that represent god, so what’s all the fuss about.

I can see the public problem and their refusal to come to turns with people who modify their bodies but it’s a personal choice.

Friday 30 April 2010


From stubbing your toe, to rap music, swearing is used in many different ways. We use swearing because we can, and it usually starts as a teenager because it makes you feel the big man/woman of the group.

Swearing is obviously still considered as bad language and shouldn’t be used out in public. I remember when i was a child that every time I swore or said a naughty word my mom would make me eat a spoon full of mustard (I hate mustard) as a punishment. And yet with this strange parenting technique I still continue to swear (sorry mom).

Its unsettling to hear little kids curse but i need to remember that i was exactly the same, I’m not saying i completely agree with it, I know it’s wrong, but i also find swearing to be appropriate in the right circumstance and context, for example, imagine getting into a fight with another bloke, would you tell him he’s a nasty man, or would you tell him to fuck off? It’s quite obvious really. Also, when frustration kicks in and you need to blow off a little steam or hurt yourself, like a cut or bump, then I find swearing to be very appropriate.

although I swear on pretty much an hourly basis (sorry mom, again), I would never swear to a family member or a dear friend, well at least not in an aggressive way, because these are the people I want to please and I want them to be proud of me.

Swearing is also a small part of 'turrets syndrome' and only directly affects 12% of those who have turrets.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Bad Cinema

Bad cinema can cover a variety of subjects, as in a film that is recorded poorly, or a film with bad acting, a movie of bad taste, or even films from the porn industry. But the topic I would like to talk about is the influence of bad cinema and how people react to it.

I recently watched a film called "Kid's" (1995) that was obviously on a tight budget, with mediocre acting and a poor storyline. But what surprised me about this motion picture was the way it interpreted young teenage skaters and what they got up to in, normal, everyday life. From underage sex, rape, severe drug and alcohol use, beating people until their unconscious, and general lack of discipline from parents. This film really struck home and made me realise how privileged I am and how easy life has been for me so far.

Take my advice and watch this film, it will change your perspective on the way you live your life.

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Ha ha ha, this is a pretty funny topic considering (in surveys) 90% of people aged from 16-50 have masturbated on a regular basis, and for some reason it’s still frowned upon. it’s easy enough to become a hypocrite when it comes to this topic and it can be embarrassing to talk about so I may as well get it over and done with and say yes I masturbate and there is nothing wrong with it in my eyes, not literally (a bit of a pun for you there). It is proven to help relieve stress and anxiety and is a natural part of everyday life.

masturbation was more of problem in the early 50s than today as religious cultures such as Catholics and Christians believed this to be a sin and the perpetrator must be punished, which was usually teenage boys.

It’s not on men that masturbate but also women as well, although they are discrete about it than most men.

Although most people say masturbation is harmless there are a few medical facts around. I won’t go into the specifics but plainly speaking, excessive masturbation can alter the body’s chemistry to make you, quite bluntly, a sex addict. So be careful.

Saturday 27 February 2010


Many people see lying as a bad habit and in pretty much every religion its a sin that you must ask forgiveness for, but personally i dont think would cope without the ability to decieve.

Wether its a lie, fib or porky pie to protect someone or for personal gain, what exactly is the difference? Well people mainly use lies to conceal thier true intentions, its also used to manipulate people, such as children, is telling your child about the tooth fairy or santa clause lying?

Lying to protect someone is acceptable to most people but it depends on what the lie was and the magnitude of the concequence it carries.

People also lie to impress and exagerate but most of them eventually get caught out, lets say a guy tells a girl that he plays the drums to try and impress her, but when he has the opertunity to show he is unable to play, it can be very embarrasing.

Theres many levels of lying and are mainly measured by thier consequence, for example, a man being charged with manslaughter and lying about it carries a bigger consequence than a man lying to his wife about not smoking.

Compulsive liars are people who repeat to lie maily for thier own pleasure.

Lies can end relationship, get you in trouble with the law, or simply be used in sarcasm. But its upto the individual and their belifs to figure out the difference.

Friday 26 February 2010


Unfortunatly, I am indeed a smoker. I know its bad for my health and my wallet but its an addiction. Although its an addiction that can be overcome with a little help and will power a lot of people and public figures decide not to throw the pack in the bin and instead proceed to cause life threatening damage to their bodys.

Marilyn Monroe, Robbie Williams, Britany Spears, the former Mr. Universe and current governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even one of the worlds greatest minds genius Albert Einstein are all people that the world looks upto, almost role models and yet they all smoke knowing what risks they are taking. Risks such as lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and emphysema.

Around 110.000 people die every year as a result of smoking and a single cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals. Its very daunting when hearing this information for many people including myself, but life's too short so im off for a fag.

Thursday 18 February 2010

Field trip for week 12

Hi all

Ive been rocking out at a club in Wolverhampton named The Planet since i was 15 years old. Yes its an over 18 club and i know i should'nt have been there being that i was under age, but that was the whole point, to be honest as soon i turned 18 i didnt enjoy as much anymore. So this is what i prepose for a being bad fieldtrip and why (dont worry, we wont be doing anything illegal)

The Planet is rock/alternative/metal/indie bar just off Broad Street that has the reputation for being a fun, lively and cheap night and so its popular amongst students and older teens (legal). But being as i was underage when i first attended my rocking days, id like to find out if the zit covered teens are trying the oldest trick in the book, by being bad and knowing it.

As i said ive been a loyal Planeteer for over half a decade and not to bring a bad name to the place but over the years ive seen a few things behind the scenes, young lads getting thier leg over on a stumbling girl behind the tower speakers, people sneaking a bit of wacky backy into toilets and fights af all sorts. im glad to say they all end up being ejected from the club and band for a period of time (nothing we havnt all gone through), but if we know this is wrong then why do we persist to do so?

I'd like to add that planet is a well established night club and im on a first name basis with the owner and many who work thier. but even with the several scary doormen, there is always a newbee or drunkin idiot there to make the bouncers job just that bit harder.