Monday 3 May 2010


Alcohol is a very powerful drug and to be quite honest I’m surprised it hasn’t been illegalized as it changes your perception, lowers your inhibitions, and brings on violent mood swings more than what the majority of current illegalized drugs do, such as cannabis and speed.

Drinking causes heart disease and liver failure when used excessively but it is also used to relax, hence the traditional house wife with a bottle of wine. I’m not completely against alcohol as there are many drinks out there that are very nice to drink, such as the alcohols and apple sours, it’s an experience of taste, but the public’s favourite amongst alcoholic beverages is lager which, to be fair, isn’t exactly the nicest tasting drink ever, is it?

It’s amazing how much beer affects the brain and a drunken person to a sober person seems incredibly stupid and incapable of looking after themselves, and when the body can’t take anymore of the poison causing through its veins then the vomiting begins, very unpleasant I’m sure you’d agree.

To justify the use of alcohol is a touchy subject but I think use in moderation is perfectly acceptable.

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