Saturday 27 February 2010


Many people see lying as a bad habit and in pretty much every religion its a sin that you must ask forgiveness for, but personally i dont think would cope without the ability to decieve.

Wether its a lie, fib or porky pie to protect someone or for personal gain, what exactly is the difference? Well people mainly use lies to conceal thier true intentions, its also used to manipulate people, such as children, is telling your child about the tooth fairy or santa clause lying?

Lying to protect someone is acceptable to most people but it depends on what the lie was and the magnitude of the concequence it carries.

People also lie to impress and exagerate but most of them eventually get caught out, lets say a guy tells a girl that he plays the drums to try and impress her, but when he has the opertunity to show he is unable to play, it can be very embarrasing.

Theres many levels of lying and are mainly measured by thier consequence, for example, a man being charged with manslaughter and lying about it carries a bigger consequence than a man lying to his wife about not smoking.

Compulsive liars are people who repeat to lie maily for thier own pleasure.

Lies can end relationship, get you in trouble with the law, or simply be used in sarcasm. But its upto the individual and their belifs to figure out the difference.

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